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Get annual service for your Air

Cooled Generac Generator

with Saunders Electric!

Truth IS:

Generac air-cooled backup generators

NEED to be properly maintained in order

to perform as intended. Therefore, to

ensure safe & reliable operation,

generator maintenance needs to be

performed on an annual basis.

Regularly maintaining your Generac

with genuine Generac parts is key to the

performance & reliability you count on.

As a Generac authorized sales & service dealer,

we developed a PowerPlan.

POWERPLAN is our Generac generator

service plan, which exists to provide

Generac owners with a proactive

approach to maintaining your Generac

generator & to help identify problems

that may otherwise go undetected,

which could cause serious damage &

potentially costly emergency repairs.

Each of our five Generac generator service

plans include a combination of these

three services:


1. Scheduled Maintenance

For Your Generac

Standby Generator

All of our PowerBase service programs

include annual scheduled maintenance

with all parts & labor required to complete

the following services on your generator:

  • Perform 5 Minute No Load Test

  • Change Oil and Oil Filter

  • Check/Change Spark Plugs

  • Check/Adjust Valve Clearance

  • Check/Change Air Filter

  • Update Firmware

  • Check Battery Charge State

  • Clean Battery

  • Inspect Gas Fittings

  • Check Vibration/Noise/Leakage

  • Inspect Fuel Plenum

  • Clear Enclosure Louvers

2. Warranty, Maintenance

& Repair For Your Generac

Standby Generator

This refers to the maintenance & repair

aspect of your generator.  All 2014 and newer

Generac Air Cooled Generators come with a

standard 5-year limited warranty.

This standard warranty includes the first

2-years of limited comprehensive coverage

on kms, labor, & parts; year 3 includes limited

comprehensive coverage on parts only;

& years 4 and 5 includes limited

comprehensive coverage on the engine (short

block) & alternator (rotor and stator) parts only.

We are able to upgrade you to a 7-year extended

warranty if you purchase the upgrade within

12-months of the generator purchase date,

which will remain as the start date. 

We can also upgrade you to a 10-year warranty

at any time after the purchase date, which

will remain as the start date.

Don't worry, if your generator was purchased

before 2014, or if your warranty has expired,

we can still fix your generator on a time

& materials basis.

3. Monitoring Of Your

Generac Standby Generator

As part of your standby generator maintenance

package, we can monitor your generator

remotely. For Generators with the Evolution

2.0 controller (with built in Wi-Fi) we can upgrade

your MobileLink subscription & add you to our

Fleet. Once operational, our team will get

notified of the the generator’s Engine Hours,

Battery Level & Fault Status via eMail

— automatically.

- Most 2008 to 2017 Models), we can install the new

MobileLink cellular (Model #7169, ) remote monitoring

solution to provide you (and us) with information about

your Generac standby generator no matter where you are,

using your computer, smart phone, or mobile device.

View your generator’s status and maintenance needs.

Set its exercise schedule. Review its running &

maintenance history. And get notified of status changes.

Mobile Link is designed for use with a generator

equipped with an LCD display. Mobile Link is

compatible with most 2008-and-newer air-cooled

standby generators and 2010-and-newer liquid-cooled

standby generators from Generac.  NOTE: Please ensure

you have cellular service capable of sending and

receiving text messages in your area before purchasing.

Saunders Electric OfferS FIVE

Primary Generac Generator Service Plans

As a Generac authorized sales and service dealer,

we developed our PowerBase Program to provide

you with the combination of services listed above

conveniently packaged into the five affordable

generator service plans listed below: 

PowerBase Service PlanScheduled MaintenanceWa

rrantyWi-Fi Monitoring4G Cellular Monitoring****

*BronzeCall us when you need us5-Year limited

warranty from Generac*Basic Monitoring***N/A

SilverEvery 365-days or 200-hours of run-time b

etween visits5-Year limited warranty from Gener

ac*Basic Monitoring***N/AGoldEvery 365-days or

200-hours of run-time between visits5, 7, or 10-yea

r extended warranty from Generac**Basic Monitoring

***N/APlatinumEvery 365-days or 200-hours of run-tim

e between visits5-year limited warranty from Generac*Acti

ve Fleet Monitoring****Installation of Cell Modem & Fleet

MonitoringDiamondEvery 365-days or 200-hours of run-time

between visits5, 7, or 10-year extended warranty from

Generac**Active Fleet Monitoring

****Installation of Cell Modem & Fleet Monitoring

* The standard 5-year limited warranty from

Generac (included with your generator purchase)

includes the first 2-years of limited comprehensive

coverage on miles, labor, & parts; year 3 includes

limited comprehensive coverage on parts only;

and years 4 and 5 includes limited comprehensive

coverage on the engine (short block) and

alternator (rotor and stator) parts only.

** The 5- and 7-year extended warranty

can be purchased within 12 months of the

end-user purchase date, which will remain

as the start date. The 10-year warranty can

be purchased at any time after the end-user

purchase date, which will remain as the start date.

Unit must be registered and end-user proof of

purchase must be available upon request.

Available on Generac®, Honeywell®, and Centurion®

Air-cooled automatic standby 2014 models and newer.

Available on Guardian® and PowerPact.

Some exclusions apply. See Generac warranty statement for full details (

*** Basic wi-fi monitoring is provided by

generac on all units with the Evolution 2.0 controller.

If Wi-Fi is included with the Generator, you will

have the ability to view the current status

(e.g. ready to run, running due to power outage,

running an exercise) of your generator

through the MobileLink® portal.

*If Wi-Fi is included with the Generator, you

will have the ability to view the current status

(e.g. ready to run, running due to power outage

, running an exercise) of the Generator. As part

of our fleet, we will have the additional ability

to remotely manage your generator. This includes

the ability to edit the generator settings, received

notifications, and view your maintenance schedule, event history, etc.

* Now running on Verizon’s 4G LTE network, the

MobileLink cellular (Model #7169, ) remote monitoring

solution can be installed to provide you with information

about your Generac standby generator no matter where

you are, using your computer, smart phone, or

mobile device. View your generator’s status and

maintenance needs. Set its exercise schedule.

Review its running and maintenance history. And get notified of status

changes. Mobile Link is designed for use with a generator

equipped with an LCD display. Mobile Link is compatible

with most 2008-and-newer air-cooled standby generators

and 2010-and-newer liquid-cooled standby generators from


NOTE: Please ensure you have cellular service

capable of sending and receiving text messages

in your area before purchasing.

Bronze Plan

  • This standby generator service plan is

  • our pay-as-you go program for scheduled

  • maintenance on your Generac generator.

  • Basic wi-fi monitoring is provided by generac

  • on all units with the Evolution 2.0 controller

Silver Plan

This is our value leader... and our most popular

standby generator service plan. For a small

up-front fee and low monthly payments, we

provide a fixed price on 5 years of scheduled

maintenance with up to two schedule visits a year.

Standard limited warranty for 5 years from the

date of Generator Activation. Years 1 and 2

includes parts and labor, year 3 is parts only,

and years 4 and 5 cover parts for the short block.

Scheduled maintenance (includes parts and labor)

for 5-years with service visits every 365-days or

200-hours of run time between visits

basic wi-fi monitoring is provided by

generac on all units with the Evolution 2.0 controller


This Generac standby generator maintenance

plan provides an extended (parts and labor)

warranty for 5, 7 or 10 years plus 5 years of

4scheduled maintenance. For a reasonable

up-front fee and low monthly payments, we

also provide a fixed price on 5 years of

scheduled maintenance with up to two

schedule visits a year.

Extended warranty for 5, 7, or 10 year

from the date of Generac Generator

Activation (includes parts and labor)

Scheduled maintenance

(includes parts and labor) for

5-years with service visits every

365-days or 200-hours of run time

between visits Basic wi-fi monitoring

is provided by generac on all units

with the Evolution 2.0 controller

Platinum PLAn

This Generac generator maintenance

and service program includes wireless

remote monitoring and scheduled maintenance.

For a very reasonable up-front fee &

low monthly payments, we not only

monitor the real time status of your

generator, but dispatch a Generac

Authorized Service representative

if we discover a problem.

  • Standard limited warranty for 5 years from

    the date of Generator Activation.

    Years 1 and 2 include parts and labor,

    Year 3 is parts only,

  • Years 4 and 5 cover parts for the short block.

Scheduled maintenance (includes parts and labor)

for 5-years with service visits every 365-days or

200-hours of run time between visits Active Fleet

monitoring over wi-fi (wi-fi is included with

generac units with the Evolution 2.0 controller)

Diamond PLan

The Diamond Plan is Saunders Electric’s

most complete standby generator service.

This plan offers the best way to protect

the investment in your new generator for

up to 10 years. For a reasonable up-front

fee and low monthly payments, we not only

monitor the real time status of your generator,

but dispatch a Generac Authorized Service

representative if we discover a problem.

  • Extended warranty for 5, 7, or 10 years

    (includes parts and labor) from the

    date of Generac Generator Activation

  • Scheduled generator maintenance

    (includes parts and labor)

    for 5-years with service visits every

    365-days or 200-hours of run time

    between visits

  • Active Fleet monitoring over wi-fi

    (wi-fi is included with generac units

    with the Evolution 2.0 controller)